Friday, April 8, 2011

Porter's First Trip To Michigan!!!

Yay!!!! It only took 17 months to get back with him, but on our way cross country we stopped to visit my family! After 3 LONG days of driving, we got to my parents at 9 p.m. last Tuesday. We decided to stay until Sunday so that we would be in a hotel for less time after making the rest of our journey to the new destination! We were able to see quite a few people! Still didn't get enough time, but it was good to be back.

Us & My Aunt Lorene!

Us & My Grandma Tomlin (my mom's mom)

Us & My Mom & My Grandma

Us & My Dad & My Grandma

Four Generations!

One cold, muddy day, we went to the park to play. Cole was off playing basketball with Cole and so there are no pictures of him....

"Oh no I fell in the mud!!!"
We can't get away without fishing! My dad had the boys practice casting in the front yard without any hooks until they got the hang of it!

Then it was time for the real deal!

There were 17 fish total when they were done!

Dave even had a go at it!!!
Well, even though short it was still fun! I didn't take any pictures, but we spent dinner one night at my sisters with her husband and two girls. My friend Robyn also drove to my parents for a day and it was fun to hang out with her!!!!


T and B said...

Cute pics! Glad you were able to spend time with your family. We can't wait to come see you once you get settled.

The McKenna Family said...

Fun, we sure miss you guys