Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Recap of This Week!

This week has been a nightmare! Last Sunday I took Cole and Porter to instacare only to discover Cole had strep throat and Porter had RSV! After getting a shot while there Cole started feeling better Monday afternoon so we got through that. On Thursday I decided to take Porter back to instacare because he wasn’t much better. I decided to get looked at also as I’ve been battling a cold for a month or more. An x-ray determined I have pneumonia! They said Porter was fine. After needing sleep and being exhausted, Porter was fussy all through the night and woke up and was extremely fussy Friday morning. Luckily Braxton and I had doctor’s appointments so I took the baby with us. I had the doctor look at him and he has now developed an ear infection. The doctor told us that there was a lot of junk in his throat and that if he started showing any signs of difficulty breathing we need to take him straight to the hospital to get his throat suctioned out! I am glad this week is over and I am keeping the baby locked up until RSV season is over!                                                                                                                       


Tyler said...

Cute, Cute, Cute! What a fun baby! Hope you guys get feeling better!

Corina said...

That was me...not Tyler. Sorry!

Robyn said...

Porter is sooo cute. Wish I was there to hold him.