Friday, June 22, 2012

Porter's Dilemma...

The day I hit my 38 wk mark of pregnancy was eventful for other reasons that day! I had decided that I was just going to rest and not do anything anymore until the baby came. I was sitting on the couch in the morning and Porter was just doing his own thing. He had gone into the kitchen and came out with a few suckers. He quickly finished them and went back into the kitchen. I assumed he was going to get more until he started screaming. I ran into the kitchen as fast as someone as pregnant as me could run, and found him on the counter with a bottle of super glue next to him. I realized his eye was glued shut and started freaking out. I worried that because I decided to be lazy my kid would now be blind! 

I called Dave and told him to come home. I called 911 hoping that maybe they could tell me what to do to help him. I had already started running water on his eye, but that's all they could tell me to do. Not much help when I was smart enough to do that on my own. Instead they sent a police officer, and an ambulance to our house. When the ambulance got here they took him right away to the Children's Hospital and Dave rode with him. A sweet neighbor drove me and my mess of a self so that I wouldn't have to drive while I was upset. At the hospital they applied some antibiotic cream to his eye and then pulled his eyelashes out to separate his eye lids. They gave him an oral med to help make him happy so it wouldn't be so bad. He was kinda funny on that stuff! His eye is just fine.

I felt horrible! I was so ready that day to be done being pregnant so that I could be back to normal and not a slacker of a mother any more. The baby was super stubborn in that she still didn't come even with all the craziness!!!

Half the chunk of glue I got out with half the eyelashes he lost!

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