Friday, January 20, 2012

The Baby.......

is a GIRL!!! 

This week has been a crazy up and down week! I have been so set that this baby was a boy and I was ok with that. This week however, my attitude had changed and I was starting to get really sad about it being another boy and kept thinking I would be heartbroken if it wasn't a girl. Of course I would still love the baby even if it's a boy, but it would take time to wrap my head around it.

We got to the ultrasound way early today. They told us they would record a little of the baby if we had a dvd so Dave ran to the store to buy one. While I was sitting alone I got emotional and felt it was going to be a girl. I told Dave and then I said I'm sure it's not going to happen and I'm just being crazy.

The baby had her legs crossed almost the whole time. The tech kept kind of hitting my belly trying to get her to uncross them. Then........ I saw it. I saw the girl parts and started to cry while saying, "it's a girl isn't it?" The tech then assured me, yes, it's a girl! I asked her if she was 100% sure and she told me they can't say 100%. She said, "I will tell you this. If it isn't a girl you need to come back to me and tell me so I can figure out WHY it's not a girl!" To me that was her way of saying 100% without saying it out right!

As with dates and all my babies dates being off, the dates have been further along the last two ultrasounds. The last one was  a few days further, but today the babies size was 9 days further along. I might talk to the doctor next time seeing if they'll move the dates. 9 days seems like a lot to me! Especially when our babies come fast and they won't let me go full term.

Needless to say, we are beyond EXCITED! I almost still don't believe it! It will be all new territory, but I'm very thankful for the awaiting adventure!!!



Unknown said...

It's gonna be such a SWEET little girl!! Congratulations! I can't imagine how excited you must be!!!!!

Jamie Lewis said...


Cami said...

Hooray!!!! That is outstanding news! I was hoping it was a girl for you guys too! I'll bet all the boys are so excited!