Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Today's Appointment.

I have one appointment left if Raegen doesn't come in the next week! Today I was 3 cm, 75% effaced, and they can feel her head! I know, too much info, but it's exciting info! The doctor said they will for sure start me next week if I haven't had her yet, but they think I will go on my own in the next week. The boys held out on me even that far along so I don't have many hopes of going into labor on my own. That's probably a good thing considering that it takes 40 minutes without traffic to get to the hospital. I really worry about the middle of the night because  there are a lot of roads closed due to night construction. Having had a baby 40 minutes start to finish it's a little nerve racking that it takes that long under good circumstances to get to the hospital! Maybe I don't want her to come before I can get induced! At least then I'll for sure make it to the hospital and have things done smoothly and not crazy!!! Either way, we'll be holding our little girl soon! The doctor thought it was funny when she was listening to the heartbeat today and Porter said, " baby come out!" He then talked about wanting to hold her, but he knows she has to come out first!!!

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