Monday, April 13, 2009


I guess today that has several meanings! I have been all by myself for the last few hours! Dave and the boys are out like a light. It's nice to have some time alone. It was a pretty good day today. The boys were very excited about the Easter Bunny and the surprises that it brought to them. They stayed busy most of the day with the crayola color wonder 3-d books they got. Thankfully they didn't notice that their candy didn't have Easter wrapping on it! Someone thought that at 9 p.m. the night before they would be able to find anything and everything. Boy their thinking was WAY off!!!! Never again will "she" procrastinate! We hope you all had a great day with your celebrations and your family! Don't forget to send your kids back to school tomorrow!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!!


Pmlz8100 said...

i am totally laughing as i am reading this! i went saturday morning and there was no candy whatsoever at 3 different stores!!! I had to settle for lame stuff and missed out on our eggs! so sad!

Pmlz8100 said...

sorry! i dont know why it keeps posting me as Pmlz8100!?!?!?
it is me nat! :)