Monday, October 5, 2009

Cole's 5th Birthday!

Cole was born Sept. 29, 2004. The day before I had gone in for my last checkup and was 6 cm dilated, 90% effaced. I woke up at 4:30 the morning he was born to shower and get ready. My contractions were 10 minutes apart for a half hour and then were 5 minutes apart for the next couple hours. I woke up with the hopes of getting induced and called the hospital to see if they could take me. They said to come in at 7 a.m. and that they would have room then. 
Dave and I left for the hospital right after that call and just sat in the lobby of labor and delivery for 45 minutes. At 7 they came out and said they had a room ready. I started walking and stopped. I insisted that I couldn’t walk any further and they forced me to go the rest of the way. When I got in the room the nurse took her sweet time, knowing that the day before I was already at a 6. FIFTEEN minutes later she finally checked me, only to discover that I was 10cm dilated and minutes away from having a baby. Her panic set in as she ran around frantic wondering what to do because all the dr.s had already left the floor. Then as the nurses started filing in my room, my dr came casually walking in just to see if I was able to get started. He was on his way to surgery and the nurse quickly picked up the phone to cancel for him. He insisted that I wait for him to change before I started pushing. By 7:20 he was back in the room and I couldn’t wait any longer. Cole entered the world at 7:40 a.m. He came quickly and hasn’t stopped since!

My real nightmare of his delivery was being told there wasn’t enough time for any kind of drugs. It was completely natural and I hope that this time I can get drugs! He weighed in at 8lbs. and was 20 ½ in. long.      


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