So after all the ups and downs of this baby and whether he was coming early or not, he's doing absolutely NOTHING!!!! We have been having hopes of inducing on the 4th of November, but as of today his head is still floating, I'm not dilating, and I'm only about 40% effaced! I don't even meet the requirements of getting induced so we have to just hang in for the long haul. I've never experienced this before. I was really far in the labor process with Braxton and Cole by now, so this leaves me really sad and depressed. Even though close it makes it feel like it will NEVER happen! It also brings an added chance of needing a c-section if things don't change! Here's hoping that things do change because that's the last thing I want.
It can change in an hour with your 3rd. Don't worry yet. I am sleeping with my cell phone though if you need me in the night.
I think the last few weeks of a nine month pregnancy are definitely the longest. No sleep, aches and pains, the waiting game... The list could go on and on. Hopefully you will not need a C-section. We will keep you and little Porter in our prayers. Hang in there!
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